Seattle in '06

Back in March I had the chance to make a quick weekend trip to go and see Janice in Seattle (well, Kirkland to be specific). Rather than a full travelogue for such a brief trip, I'm just going to post the picture highlights.

[ Strange tree ]

Down at the waterfront in Kirkland they have a very strange-looking tree. Does it seem to have horns to you?

[ Thoughtful pose ]

I told Janice to take a thoughtful pose as I took her picture down by the water.

[ Crosswalk flags ]

Every time I travel to the States, I see at least one thing that is totally and completely, just utterly foreign to me. In this case, it was flags you're supposed to hold in your hand as you cross at a crosswalk. There's a matching rack on the other side. The instructions include no directive on what happens if all the flags are on the opposite side from you.

[ Funky Monkey ]

That we managed to leave Blockbuster without
this movie defies belief.

[ Thai restaurant ]

Janice brought me to one of her favourite Thai places to get something from their takeout menu. Since the place was empty, we were offered a seat at a table while we waited. They're very considerate that way. We know that because they offer...

[ Personal fire extinguisher ]

... a fire extinguisher right at your table!

[ Downtown Seattle ]

We drove into Seattle one afternoon to visit Discovery Park. Anyone who knows the area will quickly realize that we shouldn't have had this view, facing north towards downtown, since Kirkland is north of downtown and so is Discovery Park. On this point we can only say "Oops."

[ Strange balloon creature ]

On our way into Discovery Park, we were passed by two people with a strange balloon creature. The woman on the left asked them what it was, and they told her it was going to become a manta ray.

[ View of Puget Sound ]

The park offers a nice vista of Puget Sound, with ships and seaplanes going by.

[ Stopping to look ]

We decided to take a break and check out the view. Strangely they didn't want us getting any closer than this to the cliff ahead of us.

[ Playing card on the beach ]

The strangest things wash up on beaches.

[ Mr. P window display ]

After a disappointing outing to a small restaurant in the Ballard neighbourhood, which did not have sweet-potato fries despite what its website said, we at least got some amusement from these lawn sprinklers.

[ If your lawn won't grow p%?s on it ]

Catchy slogan if you ask me.

[ Trash outside Blockbuster ]

Apparently Blockbuster was having problems with people 'returning' videos to the wrong slot.

[ Sunrise over Mount Rainier ]

Although I had to get up fairly early (by my standards) to make it to the airport for my flight home, at least I got to see Mt. Rainier in the distance as the sun came up. (I never once saw it the the last time I was in Seattle. It was too hazy then.)

[ Incredibly thick fog ]

Speaking of poor visibility, the fog when we arrived back in Toronto was by far the thickest I have ever landed in. I couldn't see the ground until we were seconds from touching down (alarming thought: therefore neither could the pilots!), and as an illustration of just how bad it was, there are actually two airplanes visbile (one only barely) in this photo.

And that's pretty much it.

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